
裏切りの情事 還暦不倫妻 いくつになってもヤりたい女と男 内原美智子 61歳





ROSE affare

平凡な主婦の美智子。子供達は自立し、夫が定年退職したのを機に2人でゆっくり過ごそうとこの家に越してきた。しかし、夫は毎日のように趣味の釣りや飲み歩いてばかり・・・、たまに家にいると思えば自分勝手なセックス・・・。美智子は寂しさを抱えながら過ごしていた。そんな中、大家の木村が雨漏りの様子を見に訪れてきた。久しぶりに夫以外に人とゆっくり話せ美智子は嬉しかったが、ちょっとしたアクシデントが木村の欲望のスイッチを押してしまい美智子は襲われ一線を越えてしまった。その日以来、美智子の心は・・・ / 裏切りの情事 還暦不倫妻 いくつになってもヤりたい女と男 内原美智子 61歳


Fortunately 60th birthday Affair Wife no matter how many you want to be

Michiko, a mediocre housewife.The children became independent and came to the house to spend their time with their husband retired and stayed slowly.However, my husband just fishing for hobbies and drinking on a daily basis … if I sometimes think I’m at home, I have a selfish sex.Michiko spent his loneliness.Meanwhile, the landlord Kimura came to see the leak.After a long time, I was happy to talk to people other than my husband, but Michiko pushed the switch of Kimura’s desire, and Michiko was attacked and crossed the line.Since that day, Michiko’s heart is … / betrayal’s 60th birthday affair wife, a woman who wants to be a woman and Michiko Uchihara 61 years old
