憧れの女上司と 谷あづさ
美しく綺麗な上司の谷さん。今日は谷さんと地方出張。頑張って営業するものの上手くいかない。そうこうしているうちに辺りは薄暗くなってゆき、一度帰社し次回また営業回りをと言う事でタクシーを拾い駅に。道中タクシーに運転手から電車が無いことを聞き途方に暮れるが、幸いなことに宿を紹介してもらえる事になった。しかし宿には一部屋しか空きがなく、僕達は同じ部屋で一夜を過ごす事になってしまった・・・ / 憧れの女上司と 谷あづさ
A longing female boss and Azusa Tani
A beautiful and beautiful boss’s valley.Today is a local business trip with Tani.I will do my best and do it, but it does not work.In the meantime, the area became dim, so I returned to the office again and picked up a taxi and went to the station.I heard from the driver on a taxi on the way that there was no train, but fortunately I was able to introduce the inn.However, there is only a single room in the inn, and we have to spend the night in the same room … / Azusa Tani, a longing for a female boss