あん時のセフレは・・・友人の母親 小松杏
片づけていた箱の中から学生時代付き合っていた彼女の写真が出てきた。あの頃の思い出に懐かしい気持ちで写真に見入ってしまっていた。学生時代、仲の良かった友達。彼の家で初めて出会った彼女。そう友達の母親が初めての彼女だった。綺麗な彼女に一目ぼれした僕は、何度も友達の家に通った。そして彼女に思いのたけをぶつけると笑って1日だけ彼女になってあげると言い僕にキスしてくれた・・・ / あん時のセフレは・・・友人の母親 小松杏
My friend’s friend at that time is… my friend’s mother Anko Komatsu
In the box I was putting away, I found a photo of a girl I dated when I was a student.Her memories of those days made her look at her photos with nostalgia.A good friend of hers during her school days.She was the first girl he met at his house.Yes, my friend’s mother was her first girlfriend.I fell in love with her beautiful girlfriend at first sight, and I went to her friend’s house many times.And when she confronted her with her feelings, she smiled and said that she would be her for just one day and kissed me…