







卒業したての長身美人の教え子と不倫関係になって即イキ潮吹き漬けにする大学講師。 彼女の名前はさな(仮)。22歳で3月に大学を卒業したばかり。身長170cm、Eカップのモデル体型の美女。 就職活動がうまくいかず、頑張ってせっかく決まった就職先も上司からのセクハラに耐えられず4か月で退職。現在はキャバクラで働いている。 男は大学の講師をしている既婚者。さなが所属していたゼミの講師で、さなの就職活動に親身になって相談にのっていた。 さなは卒業後、仕事で悩んでいるときに大学講師に連絡して相談することにした。彼女は仕事を辞めたいと親に言ったら反対されたと伝えると、男性講師はさなの味方になって辞めることを勧めてくれた。 彼女は二人で苦労して見つけた就職先をあっさりやめろと言える講師に惹かれ彼女からホテルに誘い二人は深い関係になった。 もちろんさなは男性に妻がいることは知っていたので一時のものだと思っていた。しかし、2度3度と会って関係を続ける度、どんどんお互いを好きになってしまい今ではお互いが本気で恋をしてしまっている。 行きつく先のことは考えず、今に夢中になっている二人の遊びで撮ったハメ撮りです。ぜひご覧ください。 / さな



A university lecturer who has an affair with a tall, beautiful student who has just graduated and ends up squirting immediately.Her name is Sana (tentative).He just graduated from university in March at the age of 22.A beautiful woman with a height of 170cm and an E-cup model.His job hunting wasn’t going well, but he worked hard, but even after a set job he had been able to stand sexual harassment from his boss, he left after four months.I currently work at a cabaret club.The man is a married person who is a university lecturer.He was a lecturer at the seminar that Sana belonged to, and was very considerate of Sana’s job hunting and consulted her.After graduating, when Sana was worried about her job, she decided to contact a university lecturer and consult with her.When she told her parents she wanted to quit her job, she told them she was opposed, and the male instructor recommended that she be on her side and quit.She was attracted to the instructor who said she should quickly quit the job she had been struggling with, and she invited her to a hotel, and the two became a deep relationship.Of course, Sana knew that the man had a wife, so he thought it was just a temporary thing.However, every time they meet up twice and three times and continue their relationship, they continue to fall in love with each other more and now they are in serious love.This is a sex video taken from the fun of the two who are obsessed with the present, without thinking about what will happen.Please take a look./ Someone



