転落の尻 林由美香
正統派美少女AV女優としてデビュー当時から人気だったが1990年に親バレのため一度引退。その年にリリースされた本作はドラマパートと連続ファックパートの2本立て。ドラマは突然死した夫の借金のカタに体を差し出す娘の由美香というストーリー。気丈に振る舞い男たちの欲望を受け止める娘役が似合っています。[1990年3月発売] / 転落の尻 林由美香
Falling Butt Hayashi Yumika
She was popular even when she debuted as an orthodox beautiful AV actress, but in 1990 she retired once after being found out about her parents.This work, released that year, features a two-part drama part and a continuous fuck part.The drama tells the story of Yumika, a daughter, who offers her body to the sudden death of her husband, who is in debt.She suits the role of a daughter who acts bravely and accepts the desires of men.[Released in March 1990] / The Falling Butt Hayashi Yumika
屁股hayashi yumika