
【FROM NY】USA帰りの顔騎インストラクターが誘うアクメ体験☆素人女子を陥落させる圧巻の舌使いに理性ぶっ飛びカメラの前で何度も絶頂ww








簡単なインタビューとファッションチェックのバイトと聞いてスタジオに連れてこられた18歳の予備校生あいちゃん。古文が得意という愛嬌抜群な性格と大学合格したら買い物に行きたいという若い女子らしい初々しさが堪らない。ファッションチェックの一環で下着を見せれば5万円のボーナスチャンス☆おもむろに下着を見せて欲しいと言われ困惑…5万円の謝礼を手渡され断り切れずに応じる素直な子( *´艸`)パーツを取るだけと言われてニットをまくり上げれば純白ブラとCカップながら張りのある美白が登場☆スカートをめくって接写されて照れまくるも賞金GETキャンペーン第一弾は終了☆畳みかけるように第2弾を提案⇒顔面騎乗で跨るだけ☆追加ボーナス5万円!NY帰りの顔騎インストラクター(笑)に促されるままパンティを脱ぎ捨てライドオン⇒ボーボーのマン毛を掻き分けられ巧みな舌使いでクリを責められ悶絶…散々イカサレまくったところでエッチを提案され糸引く身体は制御不能ww吸引と絡みつくような舌の動きが的確に性感帯を捉え絶頂回数はもはや計測不能☆膣奥を貫くピストンとアメリカ仕込みのクンニのサイクルに自分からグイグイ腰振る雌の本性が覚醒ww孕みやすそうな発育途中の身体に無断で種付けww


[FROM NY] A facesitting instructor invites you to experience orgasms on your way home from the USA ☆ The stunning tongue that kills an amateur girl is a swaying camera, causing you to climax over and over again in front of the camera lol

Ai-chan, an 18-year-old prep school student, was brought to the studio after hearing that he would be a part-time job at a simple interview and fashion check.She is irresistible to her charming personality, which is good at classical Japanese, and the innocent nature of a young woman who wants to go shopping after she gets into university.As part of a fashion check, she shows her underwear and gives her a bonus chance of 50,000 yen ☆ She was confused when she suddenly asked to show off her underwear… She was given a 50,000 yen reward and couldn’t refuse, so she responded (*´艸`) She said she would just take out the parts, so she rolled up the knit and got a firm whitening bra and a C-cup cup ☆ She flipped over her skirt and was embarrassed and got embarrassed, but the first campaign to get a prize money ends ☆ Suggest a second round as if she was folded ⇒ Stroking her face-sitting ☆ Added bonus 50,000 yen!On the way home from New York, the facesitting instructor (lol) is urged to take off her panties and ride on ⇒ Bobo’s pubic hair is stroking her clitoris with skillful use of her tongue, and she writhes in agony… After getting all the rumbling and trying to get her sex, she is offered to have sex lol The suction and the entanglement movement of her tongue accurately captures the erogenous zones, and the number of orgasms can no longer be measured ☆ The thrusts through the deep vagina and the cunnilingus cycle of cunnilingus made in America awakens the true nature of the female swinging her hips lol Implanting her without permission in her body, which seems to be easy to conceive lol


Ai-chan是一名18岁的预科学生,在听到他将成为简单的采访和时尚检查中的兼职工作后,被带到了录音室。她对她迷人的个性是不可抗拒的,他的性格擅长古典日语,以及一个年轻女子的天性,她想在上大学后去购物。As part of a fashion check, she shows her underwear and gives her a bonus chance of 50,000 yen ☆ She was confused when she suddenly asked to show off her underwear… She was given a 50,000 yen reward and couldn’t refuse, so she responded (*´艸`) She said she would just take out the parts, so she rolled up the knit and got a firm whitening bra and a C-cup cup ☆ She flipped over her skirt and was embarrassed and got embarrassed, but the first campaign to get a prize money ends ☆ Suggest a second round as if she was folded ⇒ Stroking her face-sitting ☆ Added bonus 50,000 yen!在纽约回家的路上,敦促面对面的讲师脱下内裤并骑行⇒Bobo的阴毛正用熟练地使用舌头来抚摸她☆在美国制造的Cunnilingus的深阴道和Cunnilingus周期中的推力唤醒了女性摇摆臀部大声笑的真实本质,而无需在她的体内植入她,这似乎很容易怀孕

