
密着生撮り 人妻不倫旅行 再会篇合作版 人妻・元子(40才)





出演者:密着生撮り 人妻不倫旅行
GoGo’s Core
新入荷 最新作 素人 人妻 四十路 巨乳 不倫 浴衣

ひとりの人妻と出会い、一夜を共に過ごし別れた。そして、刻は流れ・・・記憶に残る人妻との邂逅─。人妻元子(当時40歳)の最初の旅と、再会を果たした旅の2作品を監督・高橋浩一が編集し収録した合作版第二弾! 「人妻不倫旅行 #140」某駅前、待ち合わせ時間を過ぎて暫く、車の運転席から切迫した表情で訴える人妻。慌てて車に乗ると勢いよく走り出す・・・。波乱含みで始まった旅の顛末は? 「特別篇 #140続 ~逃避行~」追い詰められた人妻はかつて一夜を共にした男性と共に逃げた・・・。早朝のブログでのやり取りに始まり翌日まで続いた逃避行の一部始終を記録。 / 密着生撮り 人妻不倫旅行 再会篇合作版 人妻・元子(40才)


Continued live shooting married woman affair travel reunion part of the publication of a married woman Motoko (40 years old)

I met a married woman and spent the night together and broke up.And the engraving flows … encounter with a memorable married woman.Director Koichi Takahashi edited and recorded two works, the first journey of married woman Motoko (40 years old) and the reunion trip!"Married Woman affair Travel # 140″ A married woman who appeals with an urgent expression from the driver’s driver’s seat for a while after a certain station.When you get in the car in a hurry, you start running vigorously.What is the story of the journey that started with a turbulence?"Special Edition # 140 Continue -Escape-" The married woman who was cornered fled with a man who once together …It started with the early morning blog, and recorded the whole of the escape that continued until the next day./ Continued live shooting married woman affair travel reunion edition of a married woman Motoko (40 years old)
